Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 4, 2015

50 Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Swallowing

As a nursing assistant, you don’t need to know as much in-depth understanding of swallowing as a doctor or dentist. However, if you cover these knowledge clearly, it’s surely much easier for you to give effective nursing care to patients with swallowing issues. Grasping anatomy structure and the swallow mechanism not only help NA to realize the strange signs happening to patients but only assist them to find the better methods and suitable nursing care to offer patients. Indeed, learning one more knowledge is never unnecessary, especially for a position which needs the updated understanding like NA. Therefore, with the hopw to provide you with the key points of swallowing, 50 Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Swallowing highlight the most essentials of this topic throughout accessible free CNA test questions online. This test will surely enrich your knowledge and be a step to stimulate your nursing career. Explore now!

To view full questions and answers, please visit our site at here:

50 Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Swallowing

During the oral prep phase, prepartaion of food material in the mouth is ____________ depending on ________.
The swallowing reflex is mediated by what area of the brain?
what kind of movement does the base of tongue make during the pharyngeal stage?
What triggers the pharyngeal phase?
What muscles raise the mandible in mastication?
Where is the buccal sulcus?
Malfunction of the LES can lead to disorders such as ?
What structures are involved in opening the PES?
What are the muscles of pharyngeal elevation and constriction?
What muscles provide bolus control?
What is the movement of the hyolaryngeal complex during the pharyngeal stage?

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