Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 4, 2015

16 Top-rated Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Chest Pain

16 Top-rated Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Chest Pain is highly appreciated by both nursing students and nursing assistant thanks to its accessibility and a thorough coverage of chest pain and treatment principles. In these free CNA test questions and instant answers, we try our best to cover the most essential knowledge of chest pain under a clear and eye-catching format which facilitates you to easily follow and grasp these important understanding. As long as you go through the detailed answers carefully and review core concepts you’re unfamiliar with, for sure, you’ll continue to improve your scores and significant skills before the exam. Click now to see how it works you well!

16 Top-rated Free CNA Practice Exam Online Questions and Answers on Chest Pain

sudden onset, severe unilateral pain with SOB-will see decreased breath sounds
diaphoresis-pressure, heaviness, squeezing, crushing, with nausea,vomiting, - Pain is in sternum or epigastric and may radiate to arm, elbow, jaw, neck
sudden onset severe tearing, stabbing pain over anterior chest (also think back and abdomen), sweating, nausea, vomiting -will see hypertension, diminished pusles
SOB with Chest Pain-Will see decreased breath sounds, hypoxia, hemoptysis and tachycardia
Risk factors for PE
right upper quadrant pain, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and anorexia may be present-will see: mcmurphys sign and fever
easily fatigueable, sob on exertion, syncope, anterior chest pressure-will see a systolic murmur heard best over right sternal boarder will carotid upstroke delays
chest pain that worsens with inspiration-Fever, chills, cough, sputum production, SOB-will see crackles, decreased breath sounds, increased tactile fremitus and E-A changes
substernal burning that may radiate to neck, occurs 30-60 min after eating,
Tx of angina thats stable (worse with exertion and relieved by rest)
sudden onset, severe unilateral pain with substernal chest pain with throat tightness-hypotension with tracheal and mediastinal shift

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